How to use TikTok for business as a complete beginner: Header image.

How to use TikTok for business as a complete beginner

  • July 14, 2021

TikTok is massively popular and only garnering more users and viewers every day. Videos that are posted on TikTok permeate into popular culture and help launch careers for creators. So, if you're looking to build your brand or your business, it's a no-brainer that you should be using the platform. But if you have absolutely no idea where to start, don't worry. We've got you covered. This article will break down everything you need to know about using TikTok for business.

TikTok for business and how it works

This app is probably best known for all of its fun and creative editing tools and filters for videos. But TikTok actually has a lot more to offer, especially if you're a brand. In fact, they have special accounts specifically for using TikTok for business.

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What is a TikTok business account?

Designed specifically for brands and companies, TikTok business accounts are loaded with features to help you optimize the content you post. When you activate TikTok for business, you'll get:

  • Access to the option to partner with TikTok influencers.
  • Ability to run paid ads.
  • Real-time performance tracking.
  • Analytics to spot trends in your content.
  • Option to drive traffic to external websites.
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Is it better to have a TikTok business account or a creator account?

If you're not using TikTok for your personal enjoyment, you're better off with a TikTok business account. The added features give you more insight and control over the content you're creating and posting, which is incredibly useful for making sure you're maximizing your TikTok budget.

How to set up a TikTok business account

The great thing about TikTok is that you only ever need your phone. And that's also true when it comes to setting up a business account. Here's all you need to do:

  1. Download TikTok from the App Store.
  2. Log in or sign up for an account.
  3. Tap the Me tab at the bottom.
  4. Navigate to … > Manage account > Switch to Business Account.
  5. Beneath the Business option, tap Next.
  • Screenshot of TikTok account settings.
  • Screenshot of TikTok account types.

TikTok will then ask you a few questions about your business. Just choose the answers that fit best and finish going through the setup prompts.

How to use TikTok for your business

Like any other social media platform, you'll get the best results if you start with a social strategy. Here are a couple of tips that will get your business up and running on TikTok in no time.

Tip 1. Take time to learn TikTok

This might seem like a given, but you should take the time to learn the app and all of its features. Yes, it is similar to other social media apps, but TikTok is filled with plenty of its own nuances. If you know all the available tools, you'll be able to create better content. Also, if you take some time to see what other sorts of videos are being posted, you'll get a good idea of what content performs well.

Tip 2. Find what makes your company unique

While you're getting to know the app and all of its features, follow a wide variety of accounts. You never know where you'll find inspiration. It can also be helpful to see what potential competitors are doing so you can be different. TikTok users love unique content.

But it's not enough to just be different. Any social media strategist will tell you that audiences are craving authenticity, and it couldn't be more accurate on TikTok. If you can figure out what makes your content stand out from all of the other videos, TikTok's algorithm can make sure the right users see it.

Tip 3. Get scrappy

Don't be afraid to get a little scrappy with your videos. TikTok content definitely does not need to feel like it was shot by the next Spielberg. In fact, it's probably better if your videos don't look as shiny or polished. Videos that are a little less put together have a more handmade feel and, in turn, feel more genuine. So go ahead and let loose. Have fun with your content. We're willing to bet that the more fun you have making videos, the better performance you'll get.

Tip 4. Inspire others

This tip is a little easier said than done. Social media is all about having a conversation with your fans and followers. So, how do you get people to engage with your content? Well, on TikTok, one of the best ways to do that is through challenges and TikTok Live streams. That being said, every day, there are hundreds if not thousands of challenges starting, meaning you'll have to find a way to cut through the clutter. Difficult, but not impossible. And if you're engaging with your followers in real time during a Live stream, then inspiring them to get involved and spread awareness about your business should feel organic.

TikTok isn't just for content creators. The social media platform can be incredibly helpful for businesses if you're willing to put in the time. It can help build better brand loyalty or just raise awareness for your company. Hopefully, the tips mentioned in this article will help make TikTok feel more manageable and a little less like the wild west.

This was about:
  • TikTok